Future Ideas
Add your future ideas below.Make Enchanting more like PicoBlocks

Each section in the list should show icons representing what sort of device it applies to. (I wonder if we could use something similar to LEGO's designs for the standard sensors.)
Support the following sensors:
-dSolar 4 W Solarcell for NXT (Dexter Industries)
- GPS-Sensor for NXT (Dexter Industries)
- RFID-Sensor for Lego Mindstorms NXT (Codatex)
- CMUCAM Vision Subsystem v3 for NXT(MindSensors)
- save data (e.g. calibration) from one script and use them with another one
- save more than one program on the nxt
- download own sounds and play them (like "Hello I'am your Bot")
- Bluetooth connection for download programs and control more than one NXT
- Bluetooth connection between NXT's to share data
Add support for timers, or reading the system time.